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Photo Update: July 25, 2022 – Universal Studios Hollywood

Welcome back to July’s photo update around CityWalk and Universal Studios Hollywood. This month we focus on the exciting new additions to the Super...

Starbucks to open new location in CityWalk Hollywood

A new Starbucks location will be opening soon at CityWalk Hollywood. The popular coffee shop is currently under construction where the long-closed Karl Strauss Brewing...

The Coaster Coffee Company opens at SeaWorld Orlando

SeaWorld has announced that The Coaster Coffee Co., a new bakery and cafe serving Starbucks, has opened. The new cafe is located near the park...

Universal CityWalk Hollywood now open with limited operations and new safety guidelines

Universal Studios Hollywood has announced that CityWalk is now open, and will be opening in limited operations. Select venues will be opening for guests from...

(059) Inside Universal Podcast – December 7, 2016 – Universal Studios Hollywood

In this episode, Jonathan Green, Tyler Crouch, Jon Fu and Chris Glass discuss Forbidden Journey's conversion to 2D, the closure of Cartooniversal, the StarWay...

Universal Studios Hollywood-themed “You Are Here” Starbucks mug released

Just in time for Christmas, Starbucks has seen fit to grace Universal Studios Hollywood with their own You Are Here mug. These hyper-localized mugs...

Universal debuts Universal Boulevard, featuring a larger Universal Studios Store and a new Starbucks

Universal debuted Universal Boulevard today, featuring a larger Universal Studios Store and a new Starbucks embedded in a new spectacular new stretch of facades...

Around the Universe – August 11th, 2014 Photo Report

Tryg returns to takes a photo journey around Universal, including some future expansion sites.

Lower Lot Starbucks Now Open, Replacing Arcade

July 5, 2014 - As Inside Universal first noted back in April, the Lower Lot arcade has completed its transformation into a Starbucks venue. Once...

Cinnabon, French Bistro and Starbucks to Open Later This Week

June 30, 2014 - Cinnabon (replacing Finlays), French Bistro (replacing International Cafe) and Starbucks (replacing the Lower Lot arcade) will likely open later this...